Effective Tips for Addressing Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common concern for many men, but there are several effective strategies to help manage and improve this condition. Here are some useful tips for addressing premature ejaculation:

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1. Practice the Start-Stop Technique

  • How It Works: Stimulate the penis until you are close to ejaculation, then stop to let arousal decrease before resuming. Repeat this process to build better control.
  • Benefits: This technique helps you learn to control your ejaculation timing by increasing awareness and control over sexual arousal.
  • 开始-停止法
    • 方法: 刺激阴茎直到接近射精,然后停止,以让兴奋减退后再继续。重复这一过程以建立更好的控制力。
    • 好处: 这种技巧通过提高对性兴奋的意识和控制,帮助你学习控制射精的时间。

2. Try the Squeeze Technique

  • How It Works: Just before ejaculation, squeeze the base of the penis to reduce arousal and delay ejaculation. This can help you gain better control over when you ejaculate.
  • Benefits: Regular use of this technique can help train your body to delay ejaculation more effectively.
  • 挤压法
    • 方法: 在射精前,对阴茎根部施加挤压力,以减少兴奋和延迟射精。这可以帮助你更好地控制射精时间。
    • 好处: 定期使用这一技巧可以帮助训练你的身体更有效地延迟射精。

3. Use Desensitizing Products

  • How It Works: Apply topical anesthetics like creams or sprays that contain numbing agents such as lidocaine to reduce sensitivity and help delay ejaculation.
  • Benefits: These products can provide immediate relief and improve control over ejaculation.
  • 使用麻醉产品
    • 方法: 使用含有麻醉剂(如利多卡因)的乳膏或喷雾,减少敏感度,帮助延迟射精。
    • 好处: 这些产品可以提供即时缓解,并提高对射精的控制力。

4. Engage in Regular Physical Exercise

  • How It Works: Regular exercise improves overall health, stamina, and sexual function. Physical fitness can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common contributors to premature ejaculation.
  • Benefits: Improved physical health can lead to better sexual performance and greater control over ejaculation.
  • 定期锻炼
    • 方法: 定期锻炼可以改善整体健康、耐力和性功能。身体健康的改善可以帮助减少压力和焦虑,这些都是早泄的常见因素。
    • 好处: 改善身体健康可以提高性表现,并更好地控制射精。

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

  • How It Works: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help manage stress and anxiety, which may contribute to premature ejaculation.
  • Benefits: Reducing stress and anxiety can help you stay calm and improve sexual performance.
  • 放松技巧
    • 方法: 深呼吸、冥想和渐进性肌肉放松等技巧可以帮助管理压力和焦虑,这些可能导致早泄。
    • 好处: 减少压力和焦虑可以帮助你保持冷静,改善性表现。

6. Seek Professional Therapy

  • How It Works: Consulting a sex therapist or counselor can help address psychological factors such as anxiety, relationship issues, and performance pressure that may contribute to premature ejaculation.
  • Benefits: Professional therapy can provide personalized strategies and support to improve sexual health and performance.
  • 寻求专业治疗
    • 方法: 咨询性治疗师或心理咨询师可以帮助解决可能导致早泄的心理因素,如焦虑、关系问题和表现压力。
    • 好处: 专业治疗可以提供个性化的策略和支持,以改善性健康和表现。

7. Communicate Openly with Your Partner

  • How It Works: Discussing your concerns and experiences with your partner can reduce performance anxiety and improve intimacy, which may help manage premature ejaculation.
  • Benefits: Open communication can enhance mutual understanding and support, leading to a more satisfying sexual relationship.
  • 与伴侣开放沟通
    • 方法: 与伴侣讨论你的担忧和经历可以减少表现焦虑,并改善亲密关系,这可能有助于管理早泄。
    • 好处: 开放的沟通可以增强彼此的理解和支持,从而带来更令人满意的性生活。

8. Focus on Foreplay

  • How It Works: Spending more time on foreplay can enhance sexual pleasure and reduce pressure to ejaculate quickly. It also helps build intimacy and sexual satisfaction for both partners.
  • Benefits: Foreplay can help delay ejaculation by shifting focus away from penetration and providing more time for sexual excitement.
  • 注重前戏
    • 方法: 在前戏上花更多时间可以增加性快感,减少快速射精的压力。它还可以帮助增强亲密关系和双方的性满足。
    • 好处: 前戏可以通过将注意力从插入转移开来帮助延迟射精,并提供更多的性兴奋时间。


Addressing premature ejaculation involves a combination of practical techniques, lifestyle adjustments, and professional support. By incorporating these tips, men can improve their control over ejaculation and enhance their overall sexual satisfaction.

